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Saturday, 11 June 2022

Western Scenario Generator

Western Scenario Plotter is a scenario generator for any Western RPG referee. Using 43 cross-indexed tables of inspiring terms you can quickly "roll up" the main plot for your scenario and as many sub plots as you need.

This tool is ideal for coming up with a scenario in a hurry, or for inspiration when you have more  time. It provides the elements you need to make an exciting adventure.

The download includes a standard PDF, but also includes A4/Letter PDFs in PocketMod format, meaning you can print a version that folds up into a book let that'll fit in your top pocket.

Designed for use with any Western RPG, and including the wonderful Cowpunchers.

You can pick this up from DriveThruRPG

Fantasy Monster Generator

Fantasy Monster Generator is a tool for the Referee/GM looking to come up with a new monster to drop into their fantasy advenure game. This tool automaticly generates a stat block, special abilities, and description of the creature.

This is a generic tool for all fantasy games but the statistics are generated and compatible with "Basic Fantasy" and most other OSR titles, it assumes an ascending Armor Class.

This tool creates animals, monsters, and sentient races. There's a "generate monster" button and each time you click it, it will create a new creature and you can just keep clicking until you get a monster you like. As it runs in your internet browser you can then print the monster's details in order to keep a permanent copy.

This tool runs in your internet browser (such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari) and does not require an internet connection. Simply double-click the file (or drag the file onto your browser) and it will open in your browser and be instantly ready to use.

See the video to see it in action, purchase it from DriveThruRPG

Fantasy Scenario Generator

Fantasy Scenario Generator is a tool for the Referee/DM looking to come up with a new mission based scenario. Using a mind-map linking system it presents a plot, a sub plot, an NPC, environment details, and a town, that will excite your imagination into laying out a new plot.

This tool is generic tool for all fantasy game runners. Watch the video below to see how it works.

This tool runs in your browser (such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari) and does not require an internet connection. Simply double-click the file (or drag the file onto your browser) and it will open in your browser and be instantly ready to use

Watch the vid below for more details, and pick it up from DriveThruRPG

Cepheus Scenario Generator

Cepheus Scenario Generator is a tool for the Referee looking to come up with a new scenario. Using a mind-map linking system it presents a page of linked suggestions that will excite your imagination into laying out a new plot.

Although branded for Cepheus Engine, this tool is generic tool for all sci fi referees.

This tool runs in your browser (such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari) and does not require an internet connection. Simply double-click the file (or drag the file onto your browser) and it will open in your browser and be instantly ready to use

Watch the video below for more information, and go to DriveThruRPG to get a copy.

The Digital Oracle

The Digital Oracle is a tool for solo role players or DMs looking for inspiration. Ask the oracle questions and it gives you answers in various forms, such as Yes/No, a destiny die roll, Tarot card readings. It also can tell you the attitude of NPCs, give you direction on what action to take, and answer questions with verb-adjective-noun responses.

You download a zip file, inside of which is an HTML file. Either double click the HTML file and it opens in your browser, or drag-n-drop it into your browser. It works as a web page, but does not need an internet connection , it is self contained.

See the video below for more details, and pick it up from DriveThruRPG

Cepheus Space Encounters

Cepheus Space Encounters is designed for Cepheus Engine and other 2D6 based science fiction games. It allows you to quickly generate a random table of space encounters tailored for your particular system. The items that appear on the table are randomised but influenced by the Law level, Tech level and Red/Amber zone classification.

This tool runs in your browser (such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari) and does not require an internet connection. Simply double-click the file (or drag the file onto your browser) and it will open in your browser and be instantly ready to use.

You can see it in action in the video below, and you can get it from DriveThruRPG

Cepheus Trade

Cepheus Trade is a tool for generating Trade tables for use by your players when they stroll onto a planet. Enter the player's best trading skill, select the appropriate trade-codes and this tool generates three tables for you using the details you entered as per the cannon rules.

The first table is the Standard trading good available on all worlds.

The second table is the specialised list of particularly cargos types.

The third table is non-canon, this provides you a set of unusual delivery cargos with twists and strange customers.

This tool runs in your browser (such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari) and does not require an internet connection. Simply double-click the file (or drag the file onto your browser) and it will open in your browser and be instantly ready to use.

See the video below for more info, you can get this from DriveThruRPG

Cepheus Wilderness Encounters

Cepheus Wilderness Encounters is an implementation of the Cepheus Engine rules for generating Wilderness (animal) encounters. It generates a 2D6 table of animals for each terrain type. You can keep clicking the button until you get a set of tables you’re happy with, then print them out. When you print the page, it comes out as black text on white background, and not the green on black you see when using it.

Hint: If your computer lets you “print to PDF” it’s a great way to store and share the output .

You download a zip file, inside of which is an HTML file. Either double click the HTML file and it opens in your browser, or drag-n-drop it into your browser. It works as a web page, but does not need an internet connection , it is self contained.

See the video below for more details, available from DriveThruRPG

Cepheus Characters

Cepheus Characters is a tool for generating Player characters for use in the Cepheus Engine role playing game. Just choose the careers of characters you want, select the maximum number of terms, and click on the generate button. When you get a character you're happy with, print it. Many computers allow you to print to PDF, so that's an option too.

This tool runs in your browser (such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari) and does not require an internet connection. Simply double-click the file (or drag the file onto your browser) and it will open in your browser and be instantly ready to use. 

Watch the video below for more details, available from DriveThruRPG

Jump, The New Spaceman

Jump: The New Spaceman, is the perfect guide to Jump and Jump-Drive for the newly recruited Spaceman.

Written to be compatible with Cepheus Engine and other classic 2D6 based science fiction games, this product is gives you “lore” to share with players about the mysteries of the Jump technology which is used to push starships from star to star.

Its written like a pamphlet that would be placed in the welcome-pack of a newly recruited crewman.

Three PDF versions are supplied, one for screen reading, and two in PocketMod format.

A pocketmod is 8 pages of content printed on a single page that can be folded into a small 8 page booklet that fits in your top pocket, and this is the format this product is aimed at.

Print a pocketmod version of this for each of your players and surprise them with it as a hand-out, it’ll be a nice souvenir of the game.

Available from DriveThruRPG

Computers, The new Spaceman

Computers: The New Spaceman, is the perfect guide to space-going computers for the newly recruited Spaceman.

Written to be compatible with Cepheus Engine and other classic 2D6 based science fiction games, this product is gives you “lore” to share with players about the mysteries of the Computer technology which is used in space travel.

Its written like a pamphlet that would be placed in the welcome-pack of a newly recruited crewman.

Three PDF versions are supplied, one for screen reading, and two in PocketMod format.

A pocketmod is 8 pages of content printed on a single page that can be folded into a small 8 page booklet that fits in your top pocket, and this is the format this product is aimed at.

Print a pocketmod version of this for each of your players and surprise them with it as a hand-out, it’ll be a nice souvenir of the game.

You can get this wonderful product from DriveThruRPG

Vacc-Suit, The New Spaceman


Vacc Suit: The New Spaceman, is the perfect guide to vac suits for the newly recruited Spaceman.

Written to be compatible with Cepheus Engine and other classic 2D6 based science fiction games, this product is gives you “lore” to share with players about the mysteries of the Vacc Suit technology which is used in space travel.

Its written like a pamphlet that would be placed in the welcome-pack of a newly recruited crewman.

Three PDF versions are supplied, one for screen reading, and two in PocketMod format.

A pocketmod is 8 pages of content printed on a single page that can be folded into a small 8 page booklet that fits in your top pocket, and this is the format this product is aimed at.

Print a pocketmod version of this for each of your players and surprise them with it as a hand-out, it’ll be a nice souvenir of the game.

Available from DriveThruRPG

Piracy, The New Spaceman

Piracy: The New Spaceman, is the perfect warning for the newly recruited Spaceman.

Written to be compatible with Cepheus Engine and other classic 2D6 based science fiction games, this product is gives you “lore” to share with players about the dangers of Pirates to those involved in space travel.

Its written like a pamphlet that would be placed in the welcome-pack of a newly recruited crewman.

Three PDF versions are supplied, one for screen reading, and two in PocketMod format.

A pocketmod is 8 pages of content printed on a single page that can be folded into a small 8 page booklet that fits in your top pocket, and this is the format this product is aimed at.

Print a pocketmod version of this for each of your players and surprise them with it as a hand-out, it’ll be a nice souvenir of the game.

You can get it from DriveThruRPG

Imperial Credits, The New Spaceman

Imperial Credits: The New Spaceman, is the perfect guide to the currency used across the empire, which can be a mystery to the newly recruited Spaceman.

Written to be compatible with Cepheus Engine and other classic 2D6 based science fiction games, this product is gives you “lore” to share with players about Credits. What are they, where do they come from, how do you use them.

Its written like a pamphlet that would be placed in the welcome-pack of a newly recruited crewman.

Three PDF versions are supplied, one for screen reading, and two in PocketMod format.

A pocketmod is 8 pages of content printed on a single page that can be folded into a small 8 page booklet that fits in your top pocket, and this is the format this product is aimed at.

Print a pocketmod version of this for each of your players and surprise them with it as a hand-out, it’ll be a nice souvenir of the game.

You can get this from DriveThruRPG